Learn To Start & Scale An E-commerce Business

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E-Commerce Power Today

A practical framework for starting and scaling a profitable e-commerce brand in the age of Amazon.


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About The Book

E-Commerce Power is filled with encouragement, practical advice, tips, strategies, in-depth interviews, and proven online marketing methods.

  • Practical Framework: Learn an 8-step framework that explains exactly how e-commerce businesses scale.
  • Growth Roadmap​: A straight-forward guide for private label businesses and Amazon sellers to build their brands beyond marketplaces.
  • ​Seller ​Interviews: Hear directly from successful small business owners crushing it online...

Behind The Scenes Interviews With:



  • Mike Brown - Death Wish Coffee (pg. 21)
  • Zac Martin - Yellow Hammer Tools (pg. 48)
  • Alex Shirley-Smith - Tentsile (pg. 60)
  • ​Lisa and Jared Madsen - Madsen Cycles (pg. 78)
  • Ashley Turner - Farmbox Direct (pg. 94)
  • Cinnamon Miles - Pixie Faire (pg. 126)
  • Daniel Leake - Catfish Sumo (pg. 168)
  • ​Atulya Bingham - The Mud Home (pg. 214)

Jason is passionate about helping entrepreneurs start their journey quickly. He first heard about online selling in 1998 and for a full decade, he wished, dreamed, planned, researched, and failed to start quickly and efficiently. Then in 2008 he simply started selling on eBay to help his wife sell her hand-made crafts. On January 1, 2014 he was able to retire from his nine-to-five career because of their online success. Your journey doesn't need to take a decade. You can scale quickly and efficiently.



Dear E-commerce Seller,

E-Commerce Power is filled with encouragement, practical advice, tips, strategies, proven online marketing methods - all organized to help online entrepreneurs. Plus a terrific collection of interviews, including:

Mike Brown, Death Wish Coffee (pg. 21)
Zac Martin, Yellow Hammer Tools (pg. 48)
Alex Shirley-Smith, Tentsile (pg. 60)
Lisa and Jared Madsen, Madsen Cycles (pg. 78)
Ashley Turner, Farmbox Direct (pg. 94)
Cinnamon Miles, Pixie Faire (pg. 126)
Daniel Leake, Catfish Sumo (pg. 168)
Atulya Bingham, The Mud Home (pg. 214)

In E-commerce Power You Get:

Page X (Introduction): An explanation of how most e-commerce sellers fail.
Page XIV (Introduction): A practical framework that explains how to scale up an e-commerce business for even the most novice reader called the E-commerce Flywheel.
Page XX (Introduction): 16 common e-commerce models.
Page XXi (Introduction): The niche brand model & why it's so powerful.
Page 2... Goal setting scientific outcomes.
Page 4... The Corridor Principle applied to e-commerce.
Page 5... The Paul Hawken Goal Setting System.
Page 6... The Mike Pettigrew Goal Setting System.
Page 7... The Eliyahu Goldratt Goal Setting System.
Page 8... The Tony Robbins Goal Setting System.
Page 9... The Ikigai Goal Setting System.
Page 9... The Harvard If/Then Goal Setting System.
Page 10... The Jordan Peterson Future Authoring Goal Setting System.
Page 11... 20 Questions To Help You Identify Your E-commerce Goals.
Page 17... The Iceberg Framework for creating a powerful brand.
Page 19... The Invisible Aspects of a powerful brand.
Page 23... Over 25 brand promises you can make (pick one).
Page 24... 24 brand archetypes you can use to create a powerful e-commerce brand.
Page 35... 8 commons strategies for selecting a valuable brand name.
Page 55... How to engineer social adoption.
Page 73... Paul Hawken's 7 Product Brainstorming Questions.
Page 86... The As-Is Product Audit & The Idea Audit.
Page 101... 13 Pricing Principles to help optimize your profit.
Page 134... 9 ways to improve your product photography.
Page 164... Defensive Marketing explained.
Page 175... 9 Mountains Of Traffic (understanding the major sources of traffic).
Page 200... Traffic Stacking strategies.
Page 212... What Jeff Walker taught us about product launches.
Page 226... The 5 Mindsets of an e-commerce manager.
Page 232... Robert Kiyosaki's 5 Core Business Concepts. 

About The Author


Jason G. Miles is an author, teacher, coach, publisher, entrepreneur, and charity founder. His traditionally published books include Pinterest Power, Instagram Power, and YouTube Marketing Power.

He teaches locally in Seattle as an Adjunct Professor of Online Marketing at the Northwest University, where he previously served as Senior Vice President of Marketing, Fundraising, and Human Resources.

Jason teaches online on the Udemy platform, where he has assisted over 25,000 students and is ranked as the most popular e-commerce instructor.

He holds a master’s degree in Business Administration, as well as undergraduate degrees in Organizational Management and Biblical Studies.

His bestselling books published with McGraw Hill include Instagram Power, Youtube Marketing Power, and Pinterest Power. His most recent book, E-commerce Power can be found wherever books are sold.

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